By: Grace Meinberg, Manager of Safe Driving Efforts

Elizabeth Sura, a junior at Battle Mountain High School, is a kind and hardworking daughter, sister, student, and Safe Driving Youth apprentice. She has lived in Eagle County her entire life and has landed an apprenticeship with Mountain Youth through CareerWise and has been in that role since June the past six months in Safe Driving and For Youth By Youth initiatives. She will continue in this role for a total of 3 years. Outside of Mountain Youth, Elizabeth participates in groups such as LINK crew at school, Upward Bound, SOS, and YouthPower365. With every decision she makes, her friends and family are forefront in her mind. Being the oldest in a family of five children, she feels responsible to keep the roads and her loved ones safe. Elizabeth wants to be a role model and a resource to her siblings and peers. She is quick with a smile and is inclusive of everyone. She knows how meaningful being included is and wants to be a light in someone's day and is interested in supporting others. She is always bringing new members to meetings and raising awareness of Mountain Youth’s initiatives by getting others involved. Cam Dole, Mountain Youth’s Youth Engagement Coordinator commented, “Elizabeth's ability to assist at events and lead by example is always helpful and encouraged. Her consistent drive to provide ideas, feedback, and create youth-centered events for the valley is a great identifier of her hard work and passion for care!”.
I, Grace Meinberg, Manager of Safe Driving Efforts,am consistently impressed with Elizabeth as she rises to challenges presented to her in her personal and work life. She always shows up with a good attitude. Elizabeth stood out to me in her interview when asked what she would do in response to a peer choosing to get behind the wheel or get in the car with someone behind the wheel who may be intoxicated. Her response was very respectful and responsible. She acknowledged that she would approach the situation with kindness and educate her peers of the dangers of driving under the influence and offer resources that could provide support to those involved. As most of us know, it is not easy to stand up to peers who may be making potentially destructive decisions.
“Working alongside Elizabeth has shown me how dedicated a youth can be to an issue. She is willing to learn and influence other youth with what she learns. This is not an everyday quality for other youth I have known.” Sandy, director of Community Engagement

Elizabeth is always considering and planning for her future. She has unlimited potential. She is focused on school and really enjoys her science classes. Recently, Elizabeth has had her heart set on becoming a neonatal nurse working with newborn babies and their families by providing primary, acute, chronic and critical care. Not only has she helped her family in taking care of her four younger siblings, but she herself was born premature and required critical care. This strong connection adds to her determination to become a caretaker herself. In her junior year, she is already planning ahead to which paths lead her to her goals. When asked if she could meet anyone, dead or alive, she didn’t have just one person in mind. She said that she would want to meet someone who feels they are successful and happy. This is a testament to how much she looks forward to her future and finding her own success and happiness.