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Safe Driving

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Protecting Our Community by Protecting Our Roadways 
Take the pledge to keep our roads safe (and get some stickers!)


Mountain Youth is focused on educating young drivers about the perils of impaired and distracted driving and promotes Driving Sober & Alert. Education also focuses on teaching the steps to getting a license and the graduated driver’s licensing restrictions to youth and parents, while also working to improve access to driver’s education. Through education presentations, community messaging, improving transportation systems, and pursuing strategies that prevent youth access to substances, Mountain Youth reminds youth and community members to choose sober, safe and healthy behaviors. Mountain Youth collaborates with local partners to reduce and prevent impaired and distracted driving throughout Eagle County and improve traffic safety.
Mountain Youth engages community partners from a variety of professions and experiences to be a part of our
Safe Driving Steering Committee. Interested in being involved? Please contact Hannah Conoley.

Ride Responsible

We recognize that indulging in things like alcohol and cannabis happens from time to time, but the decision that follows is crucial. One of our top concerns is to keep yourself and others safe by not getting behind the wheel. 

We are now so excited that the new CORE Transit has started offering free rides everywhere! The one exception to this are rides to and from Gypsum. However, Mountain Youth has vowed to continue a collaboration with CORE Tranist to find creative ways to reduce fares to and from the town of Gypsum, so keep an eye out for more information coming soon!

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How do you get home safe?


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Mountain Youth and Colorado Young Driver Alliance collaborated to create a GDL toolkit to direct young drivers and their parents/guardians to resources that explain Graduated Drivers License laws and regulations.

Graduated Driver's License (GDL)

Graduated Driving Licensing Presentations

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Mountain Youth has spent the last few months creating a phone application to help guide youth, parents, and caregivers. The app is called CO GDL. When it becomes live, you can download it to your phone. You will have the chance to be quizzed on Graduated Driver's Licensing laws and restrictions, navigate a step-by-step walk-through on how to get your license depending on age, and explore additional resources. We will keep you posted on its progress! 

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